Thank you everyone for making TechFest a great success! We are considering holding a small event in Boulder this year instead of Telluride.
Sign up for our mailing list and be the first to know when TechFest@Boulder is scheduled.
In the mean time, check out our list of outstanding honorees from past years TechFests below.
2010 Honorees
Clarence (Skip) Ellis, Saturday 11:05 am
Clarence “Skip” Ellis is Professor of Computer Science, and Director of the Collaboration Technology Research Group at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He was the first African American to receive a Ph.D. in Computer Science. Ellis has worked as a researcher and developer at IBM, Xerox, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, Los Alamos Scientific Labs, and Argonne National Lab. His academic experience includes teaching at Stanford University, the University of Texas, MIT, Stevens Institute of Technology, and in Taiwan under an AFIPS overseas teaching fellowship.
Skip is on the editorial board of numerous journals, and has been an active instigator and leader of a number of computer associations and functions. He has been a member of the National Science Foundation Computer Science Advisory Board; of the University of Singapore ISS International Advisory Board; of the NSF Computer Science Education Committee; and chairman of the ACM Special Interest Group on Office Information Systems (SIGOIS).
Dr. Skip Ellis has worked as a researcher and developer at Bell Telephone Laboratories, IBM, Xerox, Microelectronics and Computer Technology Corporation, Los Alamos Scientific Labs, and Argonne National Lab. He has published several books, and over 100 technical papers and reports, lectured in more than a dozen countries, and was an invited speaker on object oriented systems at the most recent IFIP World Computer Conference.
Alexander Repenning, Saturday 3:10 pm
Alexander Repenning is a computer science professor at the University of Colorado, a member of the Center for Lifelong Learning and Design at the University of Colorado and the founder of AgentSheets Inc. Repenning’s research interests include education, end-user programmable agents, and artificial intelligence. He is the director of the Scalable Game Design Initiative.
Repenning has worked in research and development at Asea Brown Boveri, Xerox PARC, Apple Computer, and Hewlett Packard. He is the creator of the AgentSheets simulation and game-authoring tool. He has offered game design workshops nationally at Stanford, the MIT Media Lab, and University of Colorado as well as internationally in Europe and Japan. His work has received numerous awards including the Gold Medal from the mayor of Paris for “most innovative application in education of the World Wide Web” and “best of the best innovators” by ACM. Repenning is an advisor to the National Academy of Sciences, the European Commission, the National Science Foundation, The Japanese Ministry of Education and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Repenning has raised over $10 million for research from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Health, the Department of Defense, and the European Commission.
Paul Vixie, Friday 3:50 pm
Paul Vixie has been contributing to Internet protocols and UNIX systems as a protocol designer and software architect since 1980. Early in his career, he developed and introduced sends, proxynet, rtty, cron and other lesser-known tools. Paul is considered the primary modern author and technical architect of BINDv8 the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon Version 8, the open source reference implementation of the Domain Name System (DNS).
Paul Vixie founded ISC in 1994. In his role as President, Paul ensures that ISC stays true to his original mission of developing and maintaining production quality open source reference implementations of core Internet protocols, such as BIND and DHCP, and evolving those standards. In 1995, Paul co-founded PAIX (Palo Alto Internet Exchange), which was sold to AboveNet in 1999, who in turn named Paul its Chief Technology Officer in 2000, and then President of the PAIX subsidiary in 2001. Paul also co-founded MAPS (Mail Abuse Prevention System), a California nonprofit company established in 1998 with the goal of stopping the Internet’s email system from being abused by spammers.
Along with Frederick Avolio, Paul co-wrote “Sendmail: Theory and Practice” (Digital Press, 1995). He has authored or co-authored more than a dozen RFCs, mostly on DNS and related topics. He is a member of ICANN RSSAC and ICANN DNSSAC, ARIN and a frequent participant in IETF and NANOG.
We also had a series of 15 minute sessions on a variety of topics, including open source business platforms, Tesla world wireless communication, simplifying productivity, Web 2.0, energy efficient lighting, Spaceport America and more.