The Telluride Technology Festival was founded in 2000 with the purpose of honoring individuals who are leaders in the field of technology and have contributed to the world as a whole. Since the events inception, we have awarded the Telluride Tech Festival Award of Technology to 35 individuals! Guests of the Tech Festival have been lucky enough to meet these distinguished honorees and discuss the past, present and future of technology. Come be inspired by the best and the brightest.
Tech Fest Honorees 2000 thru 2009
9th Annual Telluride Tech Festival
August 1-2, 2008
TechFest@Boulder Honoring Founder Scott Brown |
8th Annual Telluride Tech Festival
August 1-2, 2008
Kirstie Bellman |
Brewster Kahle |
Ted Selker |
7th Annual Telluride Tech Festival
August 11-13, 2006
Eric Allman |
David Sinclair |
Robert Sproull |
Bob Stein |
Robert Winter |
6th Annual Telluride Tech Festival
August 12-14, 2005
David Gerrold |
Bruce Murray |
Larry Smarr |
5th Annual Telluride Tech Festival
August 13-15, 2004
Steve Wozniak |
Evi Nemeth |
Peter Plantec |
4th Annual Telluride Tech Festival
August 8-10, 2003
Arthur C. Clarke |
Charles Townes |
Freeman Dyson |
Manuel Castells |
Tod Machover |
3rd Annual Telluride Tech Festival
August 9-11, 2002
Vinton Cerf |
Murray Gell-Man |
Tim Berners-Lee |
Alan Kay |

2002 Tech Fest Pannel From Left to Right:
John Dvorak-Panel Moderator, Vinton Cerf, Nick DiGiacomo, Doug Wolfgram, Nick DeWolf, Tim Berners-Lee
2nd Annual Telluride Tech Festival
August 10-13, 2001
Danny Hillis |
David Clark |
Lewis Branscomb |
Jill Tarter |
Robert Uth |
Sean Parker |
Nick Dewolf |
John Dvorak |
1st Annual Telluride Tech Festival
August 8-10, 2000
Richard Stallman |
Ray Kurzweil |
John Perry Barlow |